Mapstats v5.0 Leaflet documentation

JS library for display and monitoring (wireless) network on the Leaflet map.


First of all check out Mapstats homepage if there is newer version available:

These programs must be available for bash script: awk, tr, ping or nmap or fping

Mapstats can be combine with other Leaflet plugins.

You can buy me a beer or coffee 😉 or also support Leaflet project.



This example is in index.html.

You need to include Leaflet and Mapstats CSS and JS files to head of the page, and add map container with a certain id to body element:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Mapstats v5.0</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-p4NxAoJBhIIN+hmNHrzRCf9tD/miZyoHS5obTRR9BMY=" crossorigin=""/> <script src="" integrity="sha256-20nQCchB9co0qIjJZRGuk2/Z9VM+kNiyxNV1lvTlZBo=" crossorigin=""></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/mapstats.css" type="text/css" /> <script src="js/mapstats.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="map"></div> </body> </html>

Add Javascript part to body element:

<script> var OSM = L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { minZoom: 9, maxZoom: 21, attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors' }); var ESRI = L.tileLayer('{z}/{y}/{x}', { attribution: 'Tiles &copy; <a href="">Esri</a> &mdash; Source: Esri, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, UPR-EGP, and the GIS User Community', minZoom: 9, maxZoom: 21, maxNativeZoom: 19 }); var CUZK = L.tileLayer.wms('', { layers: 'GR_ORTFOTORGB', format: 'image/jpeg', crs: L.CRS.EPSG4326, minZoom: 9, maxZoom: 21, attribution: '&copy; <a href="">ČÚZK</a>, <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors', }); var baseMaps = { "CUZK Ortofoto": CUZK, "ESRI Satellite": ESRI, "OpenStreetMap": OSM }; var map ='map', { center: [50.1321556, 14.4651017], zoom: 15, preferCanvas: true, layers: [CUZK] }); var layerControl = L.control.layers(baseMaps).addTo(map); var mapstatsOptions = { translate: { 'status_0': 'inactive', 'status_1': 'active', 'status_2': 'planning' } }; var mapstats = L.mapstats(map, layerControl, mapstatsOptions); </script>

ČÚZK map tile provider is available only for the area of the Czech Republic. Many countries offer their own satellite map tiles for free or you can use ESRI, or you can choose from existing tile providers.

Detailed Leaflet documentation is here. You can set Mapstats options for override default display and behavior.

TIP: You can download Mapstats_CZFMap_mod inspired by CZFree Map application with more markers and statuses than in the base. The archive also contains a PHP script for getting nodes from the selected area from the CZFree map with a lot of setting options.

Mapstats options

Option Type Default Description
linkSize Number 1.4 Size in pixels for the client link
backboneLinkSize Number 3.3 Size in pixels for the backbone link
showNodes Boolean true Display nodes layer on the map after init
showTooltips Boolean true Display tooltips layer on the map after init
showPingTooltips Boolean true Display ping tooltips layer on the map after init
showLegend Boolean false Display legend on the map after init
allowLayersControl Boolean true Allow display layer control for nodes, links, tooltips and ping tooltips. If the value is false then checkboxes for display nodes, links, tooltips and pings will be hidden.
allowPingTooltips Boolean true Allow display ping tooltips layer on the map. If the value is false then checkbox for display pings will be hidden.
allowLegend Boolean true Allow display legend on the map. If the value is false then checkbox for display legend will be hidden.
legendPosition String 'bottomleft' Position of the opened legend. Possible values are 'topleft', 'topright', 'bottomleft' or 'bottomright'
nodesFile String 'name.nodes' Name or path to nodes file
linksFile String 'name.links' Name or path to links file
pingsFile String '' Name or path to ping file
statesFile String 'name.state' Name or path to state file
stateIndicator String 'background' Possible values are 'marker', 'label' or 'background'
statesUpdateInterval Number 300 Time interval in seconds for periodically update the states from the state file and then redraw map markers and tooltips. 300 seconds = 5 minutes. Set to 0 if you don't want to use this functionality
clientMarkers Array ['unknown', 'client', 'infopoint'] Array of the client marker names used for clientsZoomTrigger functionality
clientsZoomTrigger Number 17 Show defined client node types and client links if the map zoom is greater or equals the value. Set to 0 if you don't want to use this functionality
planningLinksZoomTrigger Number 15 Show links in planning (not active links) if the map zoom is greater or equals the value. Set to 0 if you don't want to use this functionality
planningLinksOpacity Number 0.45 Opacity for the links in planning (not active links). Value can be from 0 to 1
planningLinksBorderOpacity Number 0.45 Opacity for the "border" of links in planning (not active links). Value can be from 0 to 1
allowPopups Boolean true Allow popups on the nodes with ping/state information.
markersPath String 'markers/' Path to markers icons
markers Object Markers options Marker types object of objects. Sort by priority from low to high.
legend Object Legend options Legend options object
translate Object {} With this feature you can translate or replace texts or names on the map (as layer names, legend fields, legend statuses etc.).
Setting by: 'text': 'new text'. For example:
  'Nodes': 'My points',
  'status_0': 'inactive',
  'status_1': 'active',
  'status_2': 'planning'

Markers options

Default value of the markers options sorted by priority from low to high:

{ /* sort by priority from low to high */ unknown: { name: 'Unknown', width: 14, height: 14, ignoreNodeStatus: true }, infopoint: { name: 'Infopoint', width: 14, height: 14, ignoreNodeStatus: true }, switch: { name: 'Switch', width: 12, height: 12, ignoreNodeStatus: true, disableTooltips: true }, client: { name: 'Client', width: 14, height: 14 }, router: { name: 'Router', width: 17, height: 17 }, ap: { name: 'Access Point', width: 17, height: 17, shadowImage: true, shadowWidth: 62, shadowHeight: 34 } }

Key is used in nodes file as a type. Value is a object and has the following basic settings:

Option Type Default Description
name String null (required) Name of the marker used in legend. Name can be translated by translate option.
width Number null (required) Width of the marker in pixels. It is used for size of the marker on the map and for online/offline marker if is set stateIndicator as 'marker'.
height Number null (required) Height of the marker in pixels. It is used for size of the marker on the map and for online/offline marker if is set stateIndicator as 'marker'.
ignoreNodeStatus Boolean false If the value is true then marker icon can be only one and with no suffix with statuses in the markers directory.
disableTooltips Boolean false If the value is true then marker has no tooltips on the map
shadowImage Boolean false Set true when you want to display shadow image under marker icon. There must exists image "key + '_shadow.png'" in the markers directory. Example: ap_shadow.png
The shadow image will be centered under the marker icon.
shadowWidth Number null Width of the marker shadow image in pixels
shadowHeight Number null Height of the marker shadow image in pixels

Default value of the links options:

{ 0: { name: 'Unknown', color: '#000000' }, 1: { name: '2.4 GHz', color: '#00cc00' }, 2: { name: 'FSO', color: '#bb0000' }, 3: { name: 'UTP', color: '#66ccff' }, 4: { name: 'Fiber', color: '#aa22aa' }, 5: { name: 'VPN', color: '#00ffff' }, 6: { name: 'FSO + Wifi', color: '#ff4444' }, 7: { name: '5 GHz', color: '#888888' }, 8: { name: '10 GHz', color: '#ffffff' }, 9: { name: 'Licenced', color: '#ff8800' }, 10: { name: '80 GHz', color: '#ffff00' }, 11: { name: 'Leased', color: '#0000bb' }, 12: { name: '5 GHz MIMO', color: '#cccccc' }, 13: { name: '17 GHz', color: '#ff9999' }, 14: { name: '24 GHz', color: '#88ff00' }, 15: { name: '60 GHz', color: '#3366ff' }, 99: { name: 'Other', color: '#777733' } }

Key is used in links file as a link_type. Value is a object and has the following basic settings:

Option Type Default Description

Legend options

Option Type Default Description
markers String | Boolean 'all' (required) Which types of markers to display. Possible values are 'all', 'used' or false
statuses Array [0, 1, 2] (required) Array of statuses used in nodes file. There must exists marker icons for this statuses.
statusesMarker String 'client' (required) String with key of object from markers object. Marker will be display with possible statuses.
defaultMarkerStatus Number 1 Default status for markers

Files structure

Each implementation must contain four files:
name.nodes - list of all nodes on the map
name.links - list of links between nodes - list of nodes with IP address to ping (optional)
name.state - actual state of ping nodes (generated by Mapstats bash script)

Name 'name' can be changed or created other files with different name and same extensions - script will generate all state files in the same directory.
If you can not use *.ping and *.state files, don't delete it, but only erase content inside.

*.nodes files


Name of the node.

GPS latitude position of the node.

GPS longitude position of the node.

Type of the node - types can be defined in Mapstats options or you can use default values.

Status of the node - statuses can be defined by existing markers icons. By default exists icons for statuses 0, 1, 2, but can be changed/extended.

Example - name.nodes:

############################ # Name;Lat;Lng;Type;Status # ############################ Restaurace Na Vyhlídce;50.132251124412;14.453820082453;infopoint;1 Cobolis;50.127118855988;14.470448260225;infopoint;1 Zanzibar;50.128217534734;14.474457800388;infopoint;1 Restaurace Na Mělnické;50.134620736011;14.47781738018;infopoint;1 krivenicka;50.141615808264;14.433141487056;router;1 kberanovu8;50.140115517877;14.448269989359;router;1 ZleBra;50.131268239759;14.450344070792;router;1 verste;50.143645306237;14.450559988618;router;1 TOMCAT-BERK;50.12883365;14.45074396;ap;0 Hykes;50.14494545952;14.451060003523;router;1 marnov;50.145053092487;14.451701939106;router;1 jark Kobylisy;50.132359;14.45430024;ap;1 Alderan;50.13136554;14.45548442;router;1 kankovskehov;50.129847758442;14.462254854256;router;1 Jelinkova;50.133111808136;14.463912025094;ap;1 simunkova24;50.134689427847;14.468468191439;ap;1 zernojelin;50.133245914326;14.470420405269;switch;1 Žernosecká;50.133105790542;14.470632970333;ap;1 Havrankova-1s10;50.135994578584;14.471889585257;switch;1 strelnicna;50.127000179268;14.47192704803;router;1 Havrankova;50.136056470067;14.472082704306;ap;1 simunkova14;50.135055451479;14.472855180502;router;1 Irter;50.127876272864;14.47305759913;ap;1 BD Bříza;50.134636384237;14.473168998957;router;1 AP_Kubikova;50.1357175;14.4733475;router;1 javorova_a1;50.137506169175;14.474402815103;router;1 Slovanka;50.124994245223;14.475356340408;router;1 beach;50.132462080058;14.475718202406;router;2 Jipe;50.1311442;14.4777383;ap;1 Jipe2;50.1312936;14.4777411;switch;1 Client1;50.1307350;14.4761772;client;1 Client2;50.1301572;14.4764886;client;1 Client3;50.1299989;14.4765850;client;1 Client4;50.1288092;14.4782481;client;1 Client5;50.1291531;14.4793744;client;2 Passi;50.1307694;14.4792244;client;1 Lemming;50.136911337974;14.476118758321;router;1 Unreal;50.136357760097;14.476130157709;ap;1 Seidlovka;50.13551276785;14.476139545441;router;1 Pospa;50.13433192;14.47617822;ap;1 k_ovcinu;50.138329637159;14.476270973682;router;1 hapri;50.125406948448;14.476343393326;ap;1 AP_dan;50.138584066989;14.476472139358;ap;1 david_l;50.135192131078;14.476635754108;router;1 Freedom242;50.134318101774;14.476674005485;router;1 Looser;50.13823941;14.4766871;ap;1 Voza;50.134060793839;14.476828191291;router;1 dan_klient;50.139154810064;14.476933479309;router;1 Vojtech;50.137430526312;14.477012604475;ap;1 dablicka1a;50.134254109104;14.477223169181;router;1 Soucek;50.137575794888;14.477355256677;router;1 mata j;50.138297001904;14.477466491386;router;1 Modrin;50.137742122567;14.478008898441;router;1 špačková;50.139340472006;14.478333592415;router;1 Duch;50.13826882;14.47833944;ap;1 Děda;50.139077020934;14.478564932942;router;1 Bláha;50.1188957104;14.480163529515;router;1 Kocvara;50.120923769043;14.480927288532;ap;1 Kozel;50.118875932428;14.481795653701;ap;1 jitrnew;50.122464640621;14.482606351376;router;1 teplicka;50.125725989005;14.487274648014;router;1 t265;50.126147574434;14.488048317247;router;1 jab352;50.1272753;14.4905083;router;1 sluknovska;50.127498353314;14.493513554335;ap;1 jabtoc;50.1248644;14.4941856;ap;1 jablonecka;50.1232619;14.4965139;ap;1


Node names from *.nodes file separated by "*".
You can change the name to coordinates latitude,longitude or/and add other points for the path (useful for creating fiber links). Each points must be separated by "*".
example: Jipe*50.1312542,14.4762686*50.1302500,14.4722344*50.1282417,14.4733933*Irter

Type of the link - types can be defined in Mapstats options or you can use default values.

If link is backbone (thick), set '1', if link is client (thin), set '0'. Sizes of the links can be changed in Mapstats options.

If link is active (not in planning), set '1', otherwise set '0'. Links in planning have opacity.

Example - name.links:

################################################## # Name1*Name2[*Lat,Lng];LinkType;Backbone;Active # ################################################## Duch*Děda;7;1;1 Pospa*david_l;7;1;1 jablonecka*jabtoc;3;1;1 jab352*sluknovska;10;1;1 hapri*teplicka;7;1;1 Voza*dablicka1a;4;1;1 dablicka1a*david_l;10;1;0 Voza*Freedom242;4;1;1 beach*Žernosecká;7;1;0 TOMCAT-BERK*Jelinkova;1;0;1 Kozel*jark Kobylisy;7;1;1 Děda*špačková;4;1;1 Irter*david_l;7;1;1 Alderan*jark Kobylisy;7;1;1 AP_dan*dan_klient;4;1;1 kankovskehov*jark Kobylisy;7;1;1 sluknovska*Looser;13;1;1 Vojtech*Looser;4;1;1 Voza*Pospa;1;0;1 ZleBra*marnov;7;1;1 Kocvara*jitrnew;7;1;1 BD Bříza*simunkova14;4;1;0 Freedom242*Pospa;4;1;0 Havrankova*Unreal;2;1;0 Žernosecká*zernojelin;3;1;1 Bláha*Jelinkova;7;1;1 Jelinkova*zernojelin;7;1;1 Jipe*50.1312542,14.4762686*50.1302500,14.4722344*50.1282417,14.4733933*Irter;4;1;0 Jipe*Jipe2;3;1;1 Voza*Jipe2;7;1;1 Jipe*t265;10;1;1 Jipe*Client1;1;0;1 Jipe*Client2;1;0;1 Jipe*Client3;12;0;1 Jipe*Client4;12;0;1 Jipe*Client5;12;0;0 Jipe*Passi;12;1;1 beach*Jipe;7;1;0 Kozel*Bláha;7;1;1 Lemming*Vojtech;12;1;1 Kocvara*jabtoc;7;1;1 kankovskehov*Jelinkova;10;1;1 Looser*k_ovcinu;4;1;1 k_ovcinu*AP_dan;4;1;1 Havrankova-1s10*Havrankova;3;1;1 jitrnew*teplicka;7;1;0 simunkova14*Havrankova;7;1;1 javorova_a1*AP_dan;7;1;1 Jelinkova*simunkova24;10;1;1 teplicka*t265;4;1;1 jabtoc*t265;13;1;1 Slovanka*strelnicna;10;1;1 david_l*Seidlovka;15;1;1 BD Bříza*Unreal;7;1;1 t265*simunkova24;13;1;1 jitrnew*Irter;7;1;1 ZleBra*verste;15;1;1 simunkova24*Havrankova-1s10;10;1;1 t265*jab352;10;1;1 krivenicka*verste;15;1;1 AP_Kubikova*Havrankova;10;1;1 Alderan*Jelinkova;7;1;1 ZleBra*krivenicka;15;1;1 jitrnew*strelnicna;7;1;1 ZleBra*Jelinkova;15;1;1 strelnicna*jab352;10;1;1 jablonecka*ZleBra;10;1;1 Vojtech*Soucek;4;1;1 Seidlovka*Unreal;15;1;1 Unreal*Vojtech;15;1;1 Vojtech*mata j;4;1;1 Vojtech*Modrin;12;1;1 Duch*AP_dan;12;1;1 dan_klient*špačková;4;1;1 Modrin*Duch;15;1;0 Duch*mata j;4;1;0 Voza*AP_Kubikova;10;1;1 ZleBra*kberanovu8;10;1;1 kberanovu8*krivenicka;10;1;1 jabtoc*sluknovska;10;1;1 jitrnew*jabtoc;10;1;1 AP_Kubikova*Unreal;12;1;1 jab352*javorova_a1;10;1;0 Hykes*marnov;15;1;1 verste*Hykes;15;1;1 Slovanka*hapri;7;1;1

*.ping files


Name of the node must be same as in *.nodes file.

IP address of the node.

Example -

########### # Name;IP # ########### marnov; verste; krivenicka; ZleBra; kankovskehov; simunkova24; Havrankova; Žernosecká; AP_Kubikova; simunkova14; BD Bříza; Seidlovka; david_l; AP_dan; Vojtech; Děda; javorova_a1; Irter; strelnicna; Slovanka; Unreal; Alderan; hapri; jark Kobylisy; Jelinkova; Pospa; Looser; Duch; Jipe; Passi; Kozel; Kocvara; sluknovska; jabtoc; jablonecka; Bláha; jitrnew; teplicka; jab352;

*.state files


This file is fully generated by script.

IP address of the node.

If node is online ('1'), then node is green, otherwise red.

Latency in miliseconds.

Example - name.state:;1;3.787;1;2.599;1;3.325;1;2.939;1;3.659;0;0;1;2.820;1;1.698;0;0;1;1.460;1;2.942;1;2.012;1;0.746;1;1.375;1;1.090;1;0.927;1;1.377;1;1.804;1;13.247;1;2.942;1;4.526;1;0.148;0;0;1;3.183;0;0;1;2.768;0;0;1;1.010;1;2.953;1;2.241;0;0;1;5.914;1;237.417;1;1.409;1;1.987;1;1.657;1;24.474;1;3.720;1;2.297;1;2.163
© 2024 by Jirka Klir (Unreal][), Bash script originally by Jan Krupa.